Sunday, October 31, 2010

97. Try making a new recipe each month - October

This Halloween David and I will be celebrating with our lovely friends at a pumpkin carving party.  For the event I planned to make a dessert.  As I searched the internet for a fun original recipe I finally came along the best one yet this morning.  It didn't call for much preperation, which made it perfect for me.

Mummie Brownie Cupcakes
- Your favorite brownie mix/recipe
- 1 pack of M&Ms
- Frosting
- 3 Sour Rip Rolls or Sour Gum

1.  Make the brownies just as you normally would in a cupcake pan
*If you've purchased a box recipe there isn't a cooking time for cupcakes, but 20-24 minutes is perfect at 350 degrees.
2.  Once the brownies have cooled frost them with your choice of frosting, I chose Vanilla
3.  Use the M&Ms as eyeballs, I used milk chocolate M&Ms but any flavor will work - I also used the same color for each eye since the dessert is already going to be pretty colorful
4.  Unravel the Sour Rip Rolls and cut them in about an inch and a half pieces and then again down the center of each piece
*Essentially each cupcake will have 6 strips on it - you'll end up with 3 one and a half long pieces and rip those in half for 6 total pieces.
5.  Place the 6 strips across the cupcakes generally in the same direction - if you get too crazy with placing the strips you lose the image of the mummy and it looks too messy.  Keep the strips all horizontal, one above the eyes and the other five below crossing over each other.

Some are prettier than others,  but overall I feel they were a success! We'll see how everyone likes them tonight :)


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