This is an ongoing goal throughout the 1001 days for Day Zero Project.
At the beginning I was posting each month of the new foods, recpies and goodies I was making. More recently, I haven't posted any of my delicious findings and new creations!! I thought I would give an update of all the recipes that I have been making :)
Lets see...
- Pesto, Avocado Pasta
I made this with my friend Mackenzie.. it was definitely different and was an awkwardly cool dish as oppose to a hot dish you would expect with spaghetti noodles. It was a good expereince :)
- 5 Minute Chili (Trader Joes Recipe)
This was my first recipe out of my NEW Trader Joes cookbook from Mackenzie. It was pretty easy! Not 5 minutes easy, but didn't require much and was very tasty!
-Stuffed Peppers (Trader Joes Recipe)
I made this one with my BFF Lauren. We were starving and a little impatient as we did not cook the rice fully, not knowing how long it took to make rice, and so it was a bit harder than it should've been. But the peppers were fabulous!
- Mini Strawberry Pies, Davids FAVORITE!
I recently made these for David and my engagement party as a request from my fiance. SUPER easy!! But still a new recipe :))
- Chicken breasts in bulk
To be honest, I have never actually cooked chicken. David usually does it for us if we have chicken with dinner. My mama taught me how to cook chicken in general, but I also learned how to cook it in bulk and perserve it to eat throughout the week.
-Homemade Apple Sauce
This was not as bad as it looks. When all said and done it was warm, which was a bit weird, and it didn't have much taste. You boil apples and then peel the skin off, mush it together and top it with a little cinnamon. Not difficult at all!
- Salsa
I have learned how to make salsa in a variety of ways in the past but my sister makes a fabulously amazing salsa by boiling the ingredients and then dropping them in the blender. It is so easy and even I can do it!!!! I LOVE her salsa that I had to learn how to make it! And it was well worth it :)
- Baked Breaded Avocado Slices (I'm sure there's a better name for these)
This was interesting!! You basically take slices of avocado, dip them in eggs and bread crumbles and bake them. Sounds fabulous!! But were lacking in taste. We doused them in hot sauce and ate a few of them, but over all we need to figure out how to add a little more flavor next time.
- Panini Sandwiches
I really enjoy a good panini sandwich, but I have always thought they took a ton of effort and we're more than I would bargain for. But, yet again, Erin whiped out the ingredients for an array of different paninis and away we went. We made them on the George Foreman grill and put everything from ham/turkey in them to avocados and grilled veggies. SOOO easy and a lot of fun to make!
-Homemade Ice Cream!
This was a MESS!! hahaha Erin had a goal to make homemade ice cream. While at Target I saw a mini ice cream machine on sale and bought it. This thing was so small and the directions were so vauge that although we made ice cream it was super watery! It never fully thickened like ice cream should, but still tasted really good!
- Icing a cupcake!
A little random, but I learned how to make the concoction and beautifully ice some fabulous cupcakes for my godsons first birthday. OK Shannon did most of the work, but I still learned how to do it!!! It's super easy! You just need a plastic funnel, a tip to go in the funnel that the icing will come out of, food coloring and vanilla icing and WA-LA! Goregous cupcakes with very little effort!
- Hard Boiled Eggs :))
Haha this one is kind of pathetic, but I never knew how and as Shannon, Erin and I were making Easter eggs we all learned how to boil an egg! Which will come in handy with deviled eggs, salads, or for a good snack!
- Alcoholic Infused Gummi Bears
Shannon taught me this one! They were strong!!! It was pretty basic, but needed time to sit and soak. The result was quite a show...
- Chocolate Dipped Cookies
These were WAYYY easier than expected!! I thought I was going to have to dye the chocolate and make a major mess and none of the happened. I bought the colored chocolate from Michaels, melted them down and dipped sugar cookies into them half way. Stick these puppies in the fridge so the chocolate will harden and DONE!
- Deviled Eggs
This one is a little premature as I will not be learning to make these until this weekend, but I am very excited as my mom as an AMAZING recipe that my sister will be using to make goodies for my bridesmaid get together on Sunday... Check back for the results of these littl babies!
15 recipes and still counting!!!!